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Auditorio Audiencia


We invite you to participate in our pre-conference workshops that will take place on Monday 18th and Tuesday September 19th, 2023, in the facilities of the National University of Colombia


The 3 workshops offered generate a space for students, academics and professionals to build knowledge and learning, s well as the creation of networking and contacts between professionals interested in social representations and social sciences.


*workshops will be held in Spanish

Tuesday, September 19th - 8:00a.m. to 12:00

Workshop 1. 
Socio-territorial analysis from the perspective of the theory of Social Representations

The workshop will begin with a discussion on the Theory of Social Representations (TRS), origin, development, perspectives of the TRS. Subsequently, a practical exercise will be carried out to  observe the application of TRS to socio-territorial analysis, understood as an exploration of experiences and qualitative social dynamics. 


In a second block, the design of methodologies for the analysis of social representations of and in the territory will be addressed, at different scales and with respect to various topics: the city as a context of urban experiences and the course of life; memory and heritage spaces; and daily mobility in transport networks (metro and metro-bus). The theoretical and methodological development of research projects on these topics that were carried out under the lens of TRS will be shared, in order to encourage debate about them and their possible application in other urban contexts. Workshop participants will be invited, if they wish, to share their questions, projects and/or research results.

Learning objectives

The purpose of this workshop is to co-construct knowledge about the social and subjective aspects of the relationship that people and groups maintain with places. The idea is to share research experiences and reflections on the relevance of TRS as a tool for analyzing the territory insofar as it is configured as an object of representation, and of the social and psychosocial processes that occur in it.

Who should attend

This workshop is aimed at all those people interested in the subjective and social dimension of the territory: students, academics, researchers and professionals.


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 Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa

Full-time professor-researcher in the Department of Sociology of the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa. He earned his PhD in Social Psychology from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, in Paris, France, where he also completed his master's degree in the same discipline. He obtained his Diploma of Higher Specialized Studies in Environmental Psychology at the René Descartes University (Paris V). He is part of the National System of Researchers (SIN), level 1. His topics of interest revolve around social representations, collective memory and life experiences in urban spaces. His most recent research addresses the issues of aging in urban contexts and controversial memories in the Historic Center of Mexico City. She is co-founder of the National Network of Researchers in Social Representations in Mexico.


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University of Naples Federico II | UNINA 

He began his professional experience spending -from 1995 to 2006- study/work periods at the Laboratoire Europeen de Psychologie Sociale [Leps (MSH/EHESS)] directed by Serge Moscovici, where he participated in numerous international research groups. 


He has carried out research on Social Representations, Risk Psychology, Health Psychology, Environmental Psychology, Political Psychology. Evaluative research. 


He is a Team Building trainer for startups and a consultant to NGOs and public entities.

Tuesday, September 19 - 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Seminar - Workshop 2. 
The data and its construction: a multi-perspective proposal of the relationship between phenomena, objects and social data

Psychosociology, like all social sciences, bases its knowledge on the analysis of the social world based on data. Whether these are the results of surveys, interviews, focus groups or document analysis, they remain in any case a fundamental element of social knowledge. However, the social object of investigation, unlike the physical object, is not immobile, external, waiting "patiently" to be investigated and finally measured; it is, on the contrary, complex, mutable, it forms part of the world to which the researcher himself belongs, it has decidedly few measurable elements, and it is always susceptible to interpretations that may be different or even contradictory.


How to build the psycho-social data? - The seminar-workshop proposes an articulated reflection on the concept of "data", its eminently linguistic nature and its analysis based on logical inferences. The intersection between the linguistic elements of the data, and the types of inferences, opens the door to a conception of the research method that foregrounds the need to delve into the informative format that the data constructed by the social researcher should have.


Throughout the seminar-workshop, reflections on the main research techniques will be stimulated and several empirical and real examples of research attentive to a less stereotyped methodological reflection and more adherent to the need to offer a clear sense of the research object will be proposed. .

Learning objectives

The seminar-workshop aims to present a new perspective on the methodology of social psychology, going from quantification as an imperative given to a multi-perspective view of the relationships between phenomena and data. It will stimulate the creative search for new forms of epistemological thought initiated by Moscovici 70 years ago. Rigid modeling turned into metaphorical complexes that take on a life of their own in the thinking of researchers and practitioners needs to be replaced by qualitative-structural units of thought about how the organization of human action can be presented.

Who should attend

The seminar-workshop is aimed at researchers who are dissatisfied with the flat repetition of practices and techniques that constrict thought instead of freeing it to the needs of a broader understanding of social reality.

Monday, September 18th - 8:00a.m. to 05:00 p.m.

Workshop 3.
First steps with the Theory of Social Representations and the openEvoc tool

The workshop will offer a practical introduction to the structural approach of the Theory of Social Representations (TRS), aimed at people not yet familiar with the theory and related research methods. The STR structural approach articulates quantitative and qualitative properties of cognitions and can be applied to the study of topics such as intergroup relations, identity, and prejudice.


The main technique used in the structural approach is called "free association", in which people are asked what they think, feel or remember when they hear inductive terms associated with the object being investigated. Based on the relationships between the frequencies and mean ranges of the evoked terms, a diagram of the hypothetical structure of the representation is constructed, organized into quadrants that contain central and peripheral terms associated with the object. The organization of the structure can indicate relationships between representations and social practices, intergroup and individual differences with respect to the object of representation, as well as the sources of changes in the representations.


The openEvoc tool is a free, online and easy-to-operate option, developed to support the free association research process. In the graphical interface it is possible to load databases of the evocations, conduct bivariate analyzes of the frequencies and mean ranges, generate graphs and tables with the results of the processing. The tool's machine learning resources assist the researcher in identifying frame quadrants and classifying recalls.


openEvoc has been used since 2013 by Latin American researchers in areas such as Psychology, Education, Nursing, Management and Tourism.

Learning objectives

The workshop aims to present the three main stages of research in the structural approach to TRS: 1) the development of instruments for data collection using the free association technique; 2) data cleaning and preparation of the database for processing by the openEvoc tool; 3) conducting the openEvoc-based prototypical analysis and generating the graphs to communicate the research results.

Who should attend

The workshop is aimed at undergraduate and postgraduate students and researchers from any scientific area. No prior knowledge of TRS or openEvoc is required.


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 Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo

Graduated in Industrial Design from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (2003), Master's in Psychology (2007), PhD in Psychology (2014) and postdoctoral intern in Psychology (March/2018 to February/2019) from the Federal University of Espírito Santo ( Ufes).


Adjunct Professor III of the Department of Industrial Design at Ufes and collaborating professor of the Graduate Program in Psychology at Ufes, guiding research in the line of Psychosocial Processes.


He was coordinator of the Laboratory and Observatory of Project Ontologies (Loop/Ufes) between 2014 and 2021. Current coordinator of the Research Group on Mathematical Formalizations of Cognition and Design (Forma/Ufes).

It is important to note that: Each workshop has a limited capacity of 20 people, in case the quota is not covered, no the workshop can be taught, having the option to participate in another workshop or request the return of the money.


Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn and network with other industry professionals in a high-quality academic environment!

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